Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where to Get Advice to Save Your Marriage

Is your marriage doing fine?  Be honest.  Is your spouse spending more time alone than with you? 
Are your communication skills suffering, and you feel you may as well be talking to a fence post?  Have
you been saying to yourself  "What can I do to save my marriage?"

What is a typical day in the life of your marriage?  Do you yell and argue over small insignificant issues?
Does small problems blow up into major confrontations?  Are you trying to work it out yourself, but not getting anywhere?

It’s alright to seek help and advice elsewhere.  You are not the first couple to suffer from marriage deterioration.  When you were first married everything was fine and most arguments could be settled by talking or even in the bedroom.

Then it becomes harder to talk and blame is thrown back and forth.  No matter what you do the fights are getting worse and soon you might start to think about the D word.

There are ways to save your marriage and stop divorce.  Marriage counseling is available in many forms and it is  up to you to decide which would work best for you and your partner. Good marriage advice can help teach you to resolve conflicts without verbal and physical abuse. 

It can also assist you in changing you and your spouse’s behavior and stop arguments.  Marriage advice can even help you to avoid an affair.

Some couples start with friends and family.  But most times they would rather try an outside source first.  Maybe they don’t want family and friends to know they are having problems. Some couples go to their pastor for advice.  Some churches even have marriage counseling available.

Marriage support groups are available in most towns along with group therapy.  If you hesitate to air your dirty laundry in front of others, telephone counseling is available. 

You and your spouse could watch video and audio tapes prepared to aid marriages in trouble.  Some couples simply write the newspaper or magazine love advice columns for assistance. 

Online help has become one of the most preferred methods of obtaining marriage advice.  You can find different ways to save your marriage.  You will need to know your exact problem area. 

One such e-book is ‘Save My Marriage Today’ by Amy Waterman.  Amy designed her e-book to be a practical and easy to follow guide to help people in a marriage crisis.  She has helped other people with problems similar to yours.  Even  if your partner is not interested in seeking help, Amy’s advice can still help your marriage.  Don’t waste another minute, take the first step.  This could be the most important thing you do to save your marriage and stop divorce.

Don't Wait a Minute Longer - Buy 'Save My Marriage Today' 

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Save Your Marriage-Stop Divorce- Three Tips to Help Repair Your Marriage

Recognizing you have a marriage problem is the first step on the road to save your marriage and stop divorce.  For most couples simply acknowledging there is a problem shatters the marriage myth. According to love stories, movies, and fairytales we are supposed to live 'happily ever after'. But what happens when Snow White develops a drinking problem or Cinderella says she has 'fallen out of love'?
We are taught in school how to do sums, but they don't teach us about relationships or how to keep love alive in our marriage? From the moment we say "I do," we are literally flying by the seat of our pants. We don't get a manual or a textbook telling us how to get it right, so our marriage becomes an evolving set of experiments, learning and discovering more and more about ourselves and each other, and figuring out what works and what doesn't. Some say if we don't make mistakes we don't really learn, but what do those mistakes cost us, and is the cost too high for some couples?
Here is 3 tips to help transform your marriage.

  1. The first tip to saving your marriage and stop divorce is to stop looking at your issues on a case-by-case basis. Couples that try to solve arguments by going into the small details of every argument are never really going to deal with the big stuff.
  2. The second tip to transforming your relationship is to examine your beliefs about marriage. It's okay to not have the fairytale marriage. Even the best couples don't always get it right. But what makes the imperfections good or bad is how you choose as a couple to deal with it. When you disagree about something, do you sit down and talk about it, or is your first instinct to deny that there is a problem and hope that it will all go away?
  3. The third tip to transforming your relationship is in recognizing the differences between men and women, and acknowledging the importance of both roles in the relationship. Just because your partner views something different to you doesn't make them wrong, and the same goes for you. There are often several interpretations of the truth, and the key to marriage success is in recognizing that women and men have key fundamental differences in the way they view things. For men, their view may be a much more task-oriented approach to fixing an issue, where a woman may focus more on the emotional process as you both navigate your way through marriage issues. While both approaches are different, with compromise they can both achieve the same result.
The first step to repairing your marriage is in transforming YOU. Being married can be scary enough, but having marriage problems and not knowing how to fix them can be paralyzing! All it takes is the ability to step outside your day-to-day issues and look at different ways of viewing your marriage. Every marriage problem invites you into growing and offers you and your partner the opportunity to learn. Now it's up to you to take what you have learned and save your marriage.

and get your marriage back on track!

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for this product and if you purchase 'Save My Marriage Today' through my link I will receive a commission.